1: Title: "Bad News for Iced Coffee Fans" Content: "Iced coffee may raise risk of heart attack and stroke, study suggests."

2: Title: "Health Risks Associated with Iced Coffee" Content: "Regularly consuming iced coffee may lead to negative health effects, warns experts."

3: Title: "Spike in Iced Coffee Consumption" Content: "Despite the risks, the popularity of iced coffee continues to rise among consumers."

4: Title: "Alternatives to Iced Coffee" Content: "Consider switching to healthier beverage options to reduce health risks associated with iced coffee."

5: Title: "Effects of Caffeine in Iced Coffee" Content: "Excessive caffeine consumption in iced coffee may have adverse effects on your health."

6: Title: "Iced Coffee and Insomnia" Content: "Drinking iced coffee close to bedtime may disrupt your sleep patterns and cause insomnia."

7: Title: "Watch Out for Added Sugars in Iced Coffee" Content: "High amounts of added sugars in iced coffee can contribute to weight gain and other health issues."

8: Title: "Iced Coffee and Dental Health" Content: "Regular consumption of iced coffee may lead to tooth decay and other dental problems."

9: Title: "Limiting Iced Coffee Intake" Content: "To protect your health, it's important to limit your consumption of iced coffee and choose healthier alternatives."